Friday, April 1, 2016

Loaves & Fishes

Every two months, I recruit a group consisting of my neighbors, parents from my kids' school, friends, and my blog readers gathered in my kitchen to cook, prepare food, and deliver to Friendship Park at Loaves and Fishes the next morning to serve 300 homeless men and women.

This all started when my daughters and I decided to drop off some essentials on Thanksgiving to the homeless children at Loaves and Fishes. Now it has transformed into a recurring opportunity to serve our community.  It's not much but every little act of kindness that we create from what little time we have left in our busy schedule can mean so much to someone in need.

I hope you can join us.

Next serving is Thursday April 7, 2016 from 7:30 am-9:00 am.

Please join me in any capacity you can; you can help in one of three ways or participate from beginning to end: 

1. Food preparation 
2. Donating food/drinks 
3. Serving breakfast

Food Items Needed:

1. 300 Breakfast Burrito (sausages, potatoes, eggs) = $180 ($100 donated by Wendy Tran+ $80 by Sandy)

2. Hot Oatmeal = $50 (donated by Sarah)

3. 300 Hard Boiled Eggs = $60 (donated by HK PH)

4. 300 Granola Bars = $50 (donated by Jenny)

5. 300 Cups of Instant Noodle = $78 (donated by Kristine)

6. 300 Bananas = $55 (donated by Thuy)

7. 300 Tangerines = $60 (donated by Van Hoang)

8. 300 Bottles of Water = $50 (donated by Sarah)

9. a box of Plastic Spoon = $12

Please let me know if you need a donation receipt so I can notify Loaves and Fishes.

I leave you with some reflections from two of our recent participants:

"I had a humbling experience at Friendship Park. Just the tiny things can put a smile on someone's face. I learned to appreciate the things you get. When I looked at the homeless' faces after getting a burrito, ramen, socks or water, they had gigantic smiles on their faces. It made me feel good and I can't wait to go back and serve the community some more" 
~Simeon (12 years old)

"Got the chance to serve breakfast this morning for those who are less fortunate. Just seeing their genuine happiness for a simple bag of food and socks was a huge reminder of all of the times I took my luck and blessed life for granted. While we were serving today, I couldn't help but think that this is their daily routine, coming here for a warm meal or any help they can get, while I wake up every day in a warm bed, with the ability to choose between cooking a meal or going out for take out, or how hot or cold I want my home to be. And I don't even think twice about others who aren't allowed this luxury. A small gesture really made a difference in another person's life today and I am so glad I was allowed this opportunity to be reminded that I have that ability to do so." 
~Kristine O.

I couldn't do all this alone without the support of all the donors, dedication and hard work of many wonderful volunteers.  Thank you!