Today marks the birth of my little An-Hy eight years ago. Throughout the last seven years of her life, I had the privilege to style and setup her birthday parties. I knew someday when my girls got a bit older, I would lose my job as the party planner and . . . that day has come.
The first six years, she didn't care who would come to her party. Last year was a little bit more picky. She wanted to invite just a few of her friends from school to celebrate her 7th birthday with her. This year, she cut if off completely. She didn't want a birthday party; she didn't want to go anywhere but stay home and play with Kracie Popin Cookin.
Call it denial if you will, but I am not ready to watch my girls grow up too fast. I hope she still enjoys life's simple pleasures - the little things like asking me to give her a piggy back ride into school which she and her sister always enjoy. When she wakes up in the morning, I hope she will continue to ask me to pick her up with my feet and fly her through the air like an airplane. I guess I can keep my fingers crossed hoping to plan something for her 9th birthday. For now, I suppose I can enjoy watching her prepare some krazie treats with the Kracie Popin Cookin and reminisce about the good old days when she just turned 7.
These pictures below were from her 7th birthday party.
Every birthday of my girls, I like to create our own birthday invitation. This one was taken in our backyard then I edited it in Microsoft Paint.
The night before her birthday party, my girls and I worked on these slime jello eyeball cupcakes.
Ingredients: jelly, gelatin, vanilla pudding mix, sugar, vanilla, water, milk, black writing icing.
These slimy silkworms were a big hit. Click here for the recipe.
Slime festive drink: green jello, berry Kool-Aid powder, and water.
I saw these cute jars at Target and thought the slimy jello would look pretty in them.
Even the birthday girl had to work on her birthday. She and her sister made slimy popcorn. Yummy! The green slime made out of marshmallows, butter, brown sugar, corn syrup, vanilla extract, green food coloring, and popcorn.
It's Slime Time! We bought the construction papers from the Dollar Store and made it into a slime time banner.
Big sis was setting up the slime table. We wouldn't be able to get the party ready by noon without her help and the birthday girl.
Bowls, spatulas, cup measurement can be purchased at the Dollar Store.
Let the fun begin...
Even the adult enjoyed making slime :-).
While the kids were having fun in the backyard, all the parents were in the kitchen preparing yakitori.

surf clam spinach salad
Click here for boiled mussels recipe
It's hard not to open the presents....
Time to say goodbye to her classmate.
HOW FUN! Cute cupcakes!