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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Loaves and Fishes - Serving the Homeless - June 2016

It was a fantastic day at Friendship Park.  We had plenty of help serving over 300 homeless guests.  A big thank you to all the kids who sacrificed their sleep to wake up early on a Thursday morning and come out to lend a helping hand.  Not only did they serve, they also prepped the food and assembled sandwiches.  It was a tour de force of their character and heart.

Thank you parents. You should be very proud of your kids. Thank you kids. We love you. I hope this experience has opened your eyes and hearts and give you a glimpse into the lives of our homeless citizens. The homeless guests really enjoyed your presence and you are making a big difference in their lives through these simple acts of kindness.

simple warm and comforting oatmeal served with milk, brown sugar, and raisins

delivering 100 bus passes to the homeless children at Mustard Seed School

Thank you all for your continuous support and generosity. I am extremely touched.

Here is a poignant comment left on The Spices Of Life blog from an anonymous reader who was moved by our work.

"Bless you and everyone involved. I have come close to becoming homeless and not having anywhere to turn to for help. Bus passes help immensely. Bless you for teaching your children about compassion and community."

Thank you Grant for sharing your thought about your experience at the Friendship Park.

"While I was serving food for the homeless, I was thinking what these people did not have, although they did have kind hearts. They were saying, “thank you & you are so kind” for almost everything they got. This shows me how kind these people are. They deserve something more than sleeping on the street and I realized that even I could make a difference."

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” ~ Steve Maraboli

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