"Vàng rụm, giòn tan, bùi bùi bởi cơm cháy chiên, thơm ngọt bởi thịt chà bông, cay nồng bởi vị ớt,…đó là những cảm nhận tuyệt vời về món Cơm Cháy Chiên Giòn." |
While watching a live Thuy Nga Paris By Night performance at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas last month, I made friend with a person to my left - mainly because she had authentic Vietnamese food (just kidding but partly true). She was kind enough to share her only 1 bag of store-bought - all the way from Arizona - Cơm Cháy Chiên Giòn (Vietnamese Crispy Rice Crackers) with my two girls. I thought to myself what can be better than enjoying this treat while watching a live taping of Paris By Night in Vegas; hopefully they didn't catch me on tape munching away. This snack was so addictive; once you start, it's hard to stop. My daughters probably ate half a bag of it!
We enjoyed it so much I left the show determined to make this snack. Cơm Cháy Chiên Giòn is usually made from left over rice or sticky rice but since I didn't have any left over, I had to cook a fresh batch then left at room temperture until it's cool. I made two full sheet size. One to share with friends and the other my daughters finished in a couple days.
packed it up for to-go |
The beautiful golden color and the crispiness is very inviting. The sizzling sound when you drizzle sweet fish sauce over the hot and crispy rice cake makes cooking this more fun. Once the sweet fish sauce and thịt chà bông (cotton pork meat) -yes, that moldy looking thing on the rice crispy - are added, you just can't resist. To increase the flavor, this Cơm Cháy Chiên Giòn tastes even better when hot chili pepper is added. I added a little bit of chili pepper in mine, just enough to give my girls a little bit of spiciness on their taste buds at a level I know they can handle.
If you have any left over rice at home (be sure it's still fresh and healthy) You can turn these 1 day old rice into a wonderful and hard to resist snack.
RECIPE: Cơm Cháy Chiên Giòn
4 cups of rice, cooked and then cooled
Thịt Chà Bông (Cotton Meat)
Conola Oil or Vegetable Oil, for frying
For Sweet Fish Sauce
2 tablespoons Fish Sauce
1/2-1 teaspoon Chili Garlic Sauce
1/2 tabelspoon Vinegar
1 tablespoon Sugar
3 tablespoons Water
Preparing Rice
Place oven rack on the 2nd bottom level. Turn on the oven to 250 degree.
Pour cooked rice into a baking tray. Use your hand or a spatula to flatten rice evenly on the tray about a little bit less than half inch. Keep your hand moist with oil to prevent rice from sticking on your hand.
Place rice tray in the oven and set the baking time for 1 hour.
Place rice tray in the oven and set the baking time for 1 hour.
bake at 250º |
Place rice tray into the oven and bake it for another hour.
Remove rice from the oven. By now, the rice should be dried on both sides. Remove the aluminum foil and put it on a cooling rack to cool it down.
Preparing Sweet Fish Sauce
Frying Rice and Assembling Rice Crackers
Prepare a large plate with napkin on the bottom.
Bring oil on high heat.
When the rice sheet is cool, break it into pieces. The rice will expand once you fry it so be sure the size of the rice pieces are smaller than the fry pan.
The oil needs to be very hot when frying the rice. The rice will turn brown quickly so don't take your eyes off it.
Remove fried rice from frying pan and place it the napkin plate so that the oil can be absorbed into the napkin.
Drizzle sweet sauce over the rice while it's still hot; it will sizzle. Sprinkle cotton meat over it. Transfer it to a baking tray (you don't need to place aluminum foil on the bottom of the tray this time). Repeat with the remaining rice.
homemade Tuna Cotton Meat |
This batch I used my homemade Tuna cotton meat (cá Tuna chà bông) and added some mỡ hành (scallion oil) |
Drying Rice Cake
You should have two trays of crispy rice crackers. Place each tray back in the oven for about 5-7 minutes. This process is to dry off the fish sauce and to keep the rice crackers crispy for a few weeks. Continue with the second tray.
Store crispy rice crackers in a container with tight fitting lid. The crispiness will last for at least a week.
for the adventuresome....add sriracha hot chili sauce |
Take a bite out of this crispy treat anytime of the day!
Wow, another favorite dish. I really like this snack. Cám ơn Loan đã chỉ tường tận nha.
ReplyDeleteLoan ơi, mình cũng thích món này lắm nhưng mình làm không có nước mắm nên chà bông cứ rớt ra hoài, không dính vào cơm cháy. Loan cho mình hỏi là chà bông của Loan có dính vào cơm cháy không?
Khi vua chien xong, chi ruoi nuoc mam vao roi rai cha bong Len lien . Sau khi nuong lai, cha bong se dinh vao com. Him nao chi thu lam xem. Com Loan chien hoi vang qua, nen banh co mieng hoi cung. Rut kinh nghiem, lan sau chien vua vang toi la lay ra.
ReplyDeleteRegarding "có miếng hơi cứng" thì mình có kinh nghiệm này vì mình đã bị vậy rồi. Có lẽ chỗ bị chai, "hơi cứng", đó là do miếng cơm hơi dày nên khi nướng chưa được khô. Mà nếu cơm không khô completely thì sẽ bị chai or cứng. Mình thấy cách hong/dry cơm tốt nhất là dùng máy food dehydrator. Bữa giờ mình toàn dùng food dehydrator và mình dùng nếp thay vì cơm đó Loan. Mình thấy nếp giòn hơn gạo và mình thường làm nhiều đem biếu và để trong hũ kín được 2-3 tháng vẫn giòn. Hy vọng this experience will be helpful to you nha Loan.
ReplyDeleteCám ơn Loan luôn chịu khó post recipes with so many pictures, I really love this kind of instructions.
Dung roi do chi Anita. Cai mieng com bi cung la do mieng com hoi day va chua co completely dry. Hom nao em se lam com nep instead. Nep chi nau nhu nau com hay la chi steam it? Em khong co may dehydrator nen dung oven khong a. Cam on chi nhieu nhen. Chac hom nao lam mon gi, em phai hoi chi truoc moi duoc :-). Chi lam com ruou lan nao chua?
ReplyDeleteLoan thân,
ReplyDeleteMấy lần mình làm là nấu nếp trong microwave không hà, vì lười steam :(. Mình nghĩ steam là best vì nếp sẽ chín đều và không bị nhão, nát, hạt khô <<<=== this state is best to be dried. Mình lười nên ngâm nếp 1 tiếng xong đổ nước ngập mặt nếp 1 cm rồi bỏ vào microwave bấm 8-10 phút (@ high) cho 1 tô bự (khoảng 5-6 chén nếp). Sau đó lấy ra xới đều, bấm thêm khoảng 5-10 phút, tùy microwave, xong đem ra check nếu thấy hạt nếp trong là chín. Lấy ra, vẫn đậy plastic wrap, leave it alone for another 30 minutes là nếp chín.
"Chac hom nao lam mon gi, em phai hoi chi truoc moi duoc" hì hì, bữa giờ mình hỏi Loan không à và mình đã học được rất nhiều món ngon và lạ từ Loan.
Mình đã làm cơm rượu rồi, mình làm loại nếp trắng, vo viên tròn. Mình biết có nhiều người thích loại nếp vàng và để vậy chứ không vo viên, đây là kiểu người Bắc.
Hap thi ngon hon nhung mat cong fai wash steamer :-). Com ruou cua chi co thanh cong khong zay? hom nao email cong thuc cho Loan nhen. thank you chi.
ReplyDeleteHi chi Loan,
ReplyDeleteNeu em dung com nguoi de lam mon nay thi minh co can giam thoi gian say trong oven lai khong hay minh van say com trong 1 tieng dong ho. Em muon hoi vi thay com nguoi thuong cung da kho hon com moi nau roi va em muon tiet kiem thoi gian. Thank you, chi Loan!
Em say khoang 30-1 tieng mien sao com kho that kho ka duoc. Vi khi com chua kho han, luc chien com se bi cung va trai di. No se khong phong len. Nho la ep com cho mong, lop com hoi day banh se cung khong duoc ngon sau khi chien.
ReplyDeleteLoan ơi, did you get my email regarding "cách làm cơm rượu" ? I sent the recipe to:annettedinh@yahoo.com on October 4th.
ReplyDeleteChi Anita, I did receive it. Sorry, I forgot to reply to your email. Your com ruou looked really good. My next post will be com ruou (if I remember where I put ''men"). Thanks chi.
ReplyDeleteLoan oi , vui long chi dum sao com chay minh lam khong duoc xop ma hoi cung